Before Placing An Order, Please Check The Prices And Note
Standard number of pages | General translation | Professional translation |
1 to 9 pages (250 to 2250 words) | €19.99 | €24.99 |
10 to 24 pages (2500 to 6000 words) | €16.99 | €21.99 |
25 to 49 pages (6250 to 12250 words) | €13.99 | €18.99 |
50 to 100 pages (12,500 to 25,000 words) | €10.99 | €15.99 |
101 to 200 pages (25,250 to 50,000 words) | Register your Order | Register your Order |
201 to 499 pages (50,250 to 124,750 words) | Register your Order | Register your Order |
500 to 1999 pages (125,000 to 499,750 words) | Register your Order | Register your Order |
- All prices listed in the table are calculated 250 words per page. For example, a 9-pages order with a general translation costs €179.91
- For orders over 100 pages, please register your order to know total cost of your project.
- The request for immediate and semi-immediate delivery affects the prices.
- Before starting the project, the final price will be announced to the employer.
- After the project cost is approved by the employer, 50% of the agreed cost must be paid.
- Tax is excluded.